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Can sharing education between home and school benefit the child with autism?

flickr photo by mljungblad shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

This qualitative research uses semi-structured interview, questionnaire and follow up response to explore the lived experiences of five families sharing education between home and school for their children with autism. Initial findings suggest that there is considerable agreement both on the challenges faced by the child with autism in school, and with parents' endorsement of the literature-supported report on the importance of parental involvement in a child's education. Participants agree that sharing education between home and school can lead to benefit for their child, although the heterogeneity of the autistic population and the diversity of individual participant circumstances lead to a lack of congruity as to the form that this benefit may take. Issues of responsibility and stress are discussed.

[Photo credit: flickr photo by mljungblad shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license]

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